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5 Toddler Activities To Try This Week

Hey y'all! Summer time is all fun and games until it hits 110 degrees outside! Here in Arizona it's been miserably hot so we find ourselves indoors a majority of the day. We usually don't step foot outside until the evening! So that being said here's what we've been up to this past week.

Camp In We started off the week with a little camp in! This is the only summer camping my family does in Arizona! We have such an awesome time making different s'more recipes, playing in the tent, putting out sleeping bags, and fall asleep watching a Disney classic movie. It's the perfect way to enjoy an evening. The girls had a blast coming in and out of their little tent. My toddler got to pick her sleeping bag and she loves it! You can make a pretend campfire with colored tissue wrap and toilet paper rolls! We grabbed a couple of flashlights and played tag around the living room! It was so much fun! Definitely something to keep the little ones entertained.

Duck Pond If you don't know by now the Dollar Tree is one of my favorite places to get entertainment! I bought a couple of rubber ducks and butter fly nets for some outside play. We have yet to get a pool this summer so had got a big container filled with water and let the girls scoop up ducks with their nets! This activity is completely toddler approved! Want to play this inside? Just use your tub! Genius! :)

Mini Golf Another thing I grabbed at the dollar tree were a set of mini golf clubs. I loved that this could easily been played both indoor and outdoor. The set only came with a club and ball so I grabbed some empty plastic cups for the girls to put in. I make a mini course filled with cardboard boxes and cups! It was tons of fun and kept the little ones moving. I love anything that tires out the kids because it makes bed time soooo much easier! Who's with me?!

Cardboard Challenge My girls and I decided to take a cardboard challenge this week. Let your imagination take over with whatever you have! Diaper boxes can be made into mini cars or airplane! We had TWO massive boxes from a TV that we just had delivered. I was wondering what can I make with this?! After a little Pin-aspiration I decided to go with a boat! You need ALOT of tape and just a little imagination!. The girls played for a couple of hours in this thing! My toddler pretended she was Disney princess Moana while she played. It was adorable! I should have made her Moana's canoe! Next time for sure!

DIY Piñatas This week my baby girl turns 1! We've been doing tons of birthday prep but I thought this activity would be a perfect way to start her birthday week. I haven't made it yet but I did look for a couple of DIY tutorials to get an idea of what I need. Do I want to do the balloon paper mache that is fun and messy or something more simple that from a toilet paper roll!? Stay tuned to find out which one we go with :)

We have so much traveling coming up soon! Visit our page to keep up with all of our adventures! I hope you enjoy these activities with your little ones. What's your favorite summer activity to do with your kids?! Let me know in the comments! We are always looking for fun things to do. Thanks for reading!

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